At Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:54:00 PM, Nap Queen
Oh wow, I can only imagine how freaked out you must have been. That is crazy!! Although, I think your son asking who's standing behind you is even creepier. Do you have the history of what happened in your house? I would get a professional to do a cleanse ASAP. I don't think I would have been brave enough to come back in as fast as you did....Oh, and my dog barks at the corner of our bedroom sometimes. It really scares me.
At Saturday, October 22, 2005 5:54:00 PM, Michelle
I think you need to go back to that psychic and take her up on the offer to mentor you. I think whatever it is, is trying to show itself to you for a reason. Wow, that is so freaky!!!
My thirteen yr old daughter thinks you are really cool. And says she wants to go to a psychic herself. She thinks she saw a little boy(kinda like your shadowy figure) in her old room. She says he was standing in front of her dresser looking down like he was writing or drawing.
At Sunday, October 23, 2005 3:58:00 PM, Andi
Ya know what? I think whatever that energy is in your home, I think it's only open to you. The reason your husband can't see it is because he's not open to you. YOU believe that it's actually there, therefore leaving yourself open to seeing it. It feels safe showing itself to you. I wouldn't say that it's threatening in any way because if it'd know it!! You may be afraid of it, but it may actually have a reason for being there. I have a friend that knows all about cleansings and such. She tells me about these things all the time.
In my old house a few years ago, we had an energy in my son's room. It would talk to him at night while he was sleeping. He'd sit up in bed, and talk to it like they were having an everyday conversation. It would freak me right out! I'd be in the room and it was as if I never existed. My son paid no attention to me at all! Then he'd lay down and go to sleep as if nothing had happened. It stopped when we moved. I was home alone one day when the lights started to flicker on and off in his room and the tv turned on. I went in there and sat on his bed and for about 20 minutes, I heard clicking noises in the electrical line that ran to my son's TV.
Ok, that is freaky but I must admit that I have been there too.
Consider this - it did not sound like it was threatening you. Maybe it was trying to tell you something. Or then again maybe you are right, it was the bedroom, it could have just been perving on you.
Take Care