At Tuesday, March 21, 2006 7:36:00 PM, Norman
Kim - would you come visit me in the slammer if I did??
Tammy - yes. I was glowing as well - from the light my BRAND NEW MONITOR was throwing off!!
Greg - yes... size DOES matter. Don't let anyone tell you differently. My husband wants you to know that he needs no enhancements (HA HA HA hahahhahahahah)
Hibah - Thanks! And your paintings ARE awesome. (Everyone reading this needs to go see them!!!)
Cindy - I feel lucky!!
Shelly - VERY nice!!
Patticake - ah.. but this is a BIG THING!! Not a LITTLE monitor!! LOL
Angie - go get one!!!!! It's AWESOME!
Freak - I tried licking the monitor today. it IS sweet!
Momyblogr - he's good at pouting when I get things like this. He tried to make me jealous by saying that at least he has a laptop - so I asked him if his monitor had a 24 inch screen. He went back to pouting...
Greg - So how did you know that "monitor" is my code word for "dildo"?!!
Freak - hey freak... would they run screaming TO or FROM the 24 inches??? LOL
That would do all three things for me as well! If you do quit, try keeping the monitor and see what happens. Although I bet you'll end up like the real thing from the training videos you made! :-)