At Wednesday, March 08, 2006 7:44:00 PM, Norman
I guess I've mystified everyone except for Michael (who happens to be Crawly Amphibian - so he feels smug).
TTLB is a blog. You can register there, and it will count the links you have out there. It's cool for me because I can find out who's linked to me and go visit THEM. It also gives you a "status symbol" rated on an "ecosystem" scale. It's just a fun thing, no biggie really. Just like Michael said - I can add the blog names myself - but since not everyone uses "blogroll" I don't really have a way to find out exactly who's linking to me. This would just be an easy way for me to find it (and I might get bumped up to flappy bird!!)
At Wednesday, March 08, 2006 8:34:00 PM, rebecca marie
i used to get obsessed about links and hits and all of that. the one thing that i keep up on now, is that i make sure to only count unique hits.
oh for holy crap.
i was gonna say "that way i'll be soooo excited when i hit 20k and it's all UNIQUE hits and not refreshes!"
but i hit it.
and i missed it.
I don't really get what all this is