Sunday, November 20, 2005
I love my nail girl. My nail girl is also one of my best friends. She called me earlier today, and asked me to come in TODAY... it's Sunday. And to make me feel better about leaving my kids on a Sunday, she said the magic words ... "I'll bring beer".

So I went

I left at 1:15, and it is now 4:09. I'm drunk as cooter brown, (whoever the FUCK that is) and I'm blogging. Why? BECAUSE!! (And this is so cool)

BECAUSE! Since I was getting my nails done, my husband didn't want to be with all 3 of the kids by himself so he took them to see my in-laws.. those devil's spawn individuals who I refuse to grace with my presence... bleahhhh.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I'm by myself, but the only thing that sucks is that I want to take a nap now, and I really do have a bathroom to paint, and a biker gang to run away with.

You know what this means... right?? Yeah baby ... it's MARGARITA TIME !! Mama is home alone with booze and NO KIDS!!

Damn... I feel like Tom Cruise... you know. Crazy. I mean - jumping on the couch & being a fucking idiot... Tom Cruise.. You know?

Hey - and since I'm blitzed - what the fuck happened yesterday??? Usually - I get about 75 hits a day on my blog...average. For some reason, 300 people hit my blog. I have a stat counter - and I can tell where SOME of them came from, but the rest?? Shit - I don't know. I tried to do a keyword search - but only 1 person searched for "dimmitt funeral protesters" and one other person searched for "I am Norman"... Well - NO - I am Norman - but thank you very much... I still don't know where these other people came from.

Do I have that many lurkers? I've seen some other people do the "Lurker Roll Call" but I've never done it, cause I'm afraid I won't get anyone telling me they're lurking - but maybe you will.... so fess up!! Who're the lurkers??? Why do you lurk?? WHY ARE YOU READING ME BUT NOT RESPONDING?? Dude - don't you understand you're wigging me out?? WHO ARE YOU? Please?

Thanks! I'm drunk... I think I'll go play "Toontown" now..


(damn... I typed my REAL name by accident... did anyone see that??)

(damn damn) I had a lot of typos in that last post... Cleaned it up! I did!
posted by Norman at 2:06 PM | Permalink |


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