At Wednesday, November 02, 2005 7:35:00 PM, Northwoods Woman
At Wednesday, November 02, 2005 8:33:00 PM, Norman
Hey Livey - I've only deleted one comment in my entire blog-life, and then I felt really bad about it. So - no... I didn't delete? Maybe the ghost did it!
Stewie - I'm trying to convince my husband to move to Austin! I think I'd tolerate a ghost better down there. (that's my argument with him at least)
Freak - no... I honestly don't think he's doing this. I mean, it's mildly funny to post about it, but he really knows how truly terrified I am. I don't think he'd go and fuel the fire. He tells me that writing about it might help my fears. Actually - I think he's hoping that ya'll will start making fun of me so I'll see how stupid I'm being, but you guys have been really really nice!
Tammy - the house was built in 1983, and the original owners are still alive. The guy that I work with (is a Shaman believe it or not) and he says that if the house was vacant at one time, that a spirit *might* have come to be. The house was vacant for 6 months when we bought it.
Nap Queen, I put the recorder in the Master Bath, which is where I feel really scared. I don't want to spend too much money trying to convert this tape though. I think I'll try the audio blogger tonight and try to get the sound on here?
Cindy - you think you're scared??!! Try living here!!!!!!!!!!!! heheheehehe
Norman, that is so very creepy.
Have you done any research into your house - about what happened there before you bought it? How old is your house?
I don't know that I could live there.