Good God.
I'm so disgusted right now. DID YOU HEAR THE NEWS?? (and yeah - I'm a day late and a dollar short on this, but I was at a ball game last night)
THE PRESIDENT SAID SHIT! Holy crap! Impeach him!
I just don't understand the hoopla over this. He said SHIT. Why is the news making such a big deal out of it??? It was all over CNN, CBSnews and FoxNews. They're calling it "The Shit Heard Around the World". (hahahaha!!! very clever!) Now tell me, if you like the guy or not, you have to admit: It's got to be the STUPIDEST thing ever picked up for a news story.
He said "Shit".
So what. I'm willing to bet the news people have said shit before. I'm willing to bet they even dropped the F-bomb (that's fuck, in case you were curious). See?? I said it!! STOP THE PRESSES!!
OK. That's what's been bothering me today. We've got sooooo much going on in the world right now, but someone saw an opportunity to make the guy look worse than he already does. And I disagree with that. You know what? I saw the conversation on video. Tony Blair didn't even bat an eye when Bush said that. I bet Blair has said "Shit" too.
don't worry, I'll try to dig up something else to blog about tonight... this just has been bugging the SHIT out of me.
As a journalist, I can cheerfully vouch that all journalists, except my boss, swear like Marines, just with less creativity.
Am I first?