Yes folks, it's the weekend poll... featuring who other than Bert AND Ernie?!
Don't tell me you didn't see that coming!
So this week's question is:
Which of these two is more apt to be a serial killer?
Bert or Ernie?
I think they murdered Mr. Hooper.
So - voting is Mandatory!!
(oh - and I'll have you know that the weekend poll/topic was decided last night after my Christmas Party in which much drinking was involved.)
Ok, you gotta know this:
I had my Christmas Party for work last night. They always do it up huge. Door prizes like flat panel big screen tv, camcorders, ipods...
Last night was a Casino Theme, and we had a great time. Lots of drunk people, (I only had 2 beers). They started doing the door prizes, and it was funny because the person doing the drawing HATES ME. So I leaned over to my boss - and said "If I win something, I'll hug "Trish"!!!" To which my boss replied: "I dare you"
I won. ($50 gift certificate)
I hugged her.
She hated it. She hates me more now. I, however, am THRILLED that I did that cause I know how very much it pissed her off.
I think my boss is gonna give me a raise just for that!
AND AVERY WEE-WEE'd in the POTTY!! woot!!!!
poor little Avery has a nasty case of Strep Throat. But we're still giving her a birthday party tonight since my Hubby is here....
OK!! That's it for now!
Hehehe. You rock, Normie. And so, of course, does Avery for peeing in the toilet.
I voted for Bernie because he looks funny, and serial killers always look funny to me. Although, now that I think about it, that might just be because they're in the newspaper. And the newspaper always makes everyone look funny.