At Sunday, September 02, 2007 9:13:00 PM, tazzie
Heheheehe, I feel for you. My five year old decided that he didn't want his gum anymore, and since I was taking a nap on the couch, MY hair was the best place for it. Of course, I happen to be one of those tosser and turner type people too. We had to finally cut it out, after trying every "old-wives-tale" tricks in the book. So, I have a huge chunk of hair missing from the back. And my hair hung down to almost my rear. I cried. Alot.
At Monday, September 03, 2007 8:48:00 AM, Pumpkin
Hey there! This is my first visit to your site and I came here by way of 'Wide Lawns and Narrow Minds.
Apart from the fact that I think your blog page set-up is by far the coolest thing I've seen in a while, I've read a couple of hours worth of your posts and with/without ghostie type stuff, I think you're a damn funny woman with brilliant writing style!!
I'm going to be linking to you as I'm pretty sure I wanna be checking into this blog every day (and it's much easier with a link than just a bookmark!)plus I've still got a bit of back reading to be done.
ps, the ghostie thing has always interested me, however, as much as it interests me whilst I'm in a safe ghost-free house, I think I'd be in a state of perma-dirty underwear if I'd had what you had going got my respect for dealing with it for that long!!!!
Pps Sympathies on losing the marshmallow and the hair.....been there with a toffie sweetie, it sucks!
That is the funniest thing that I have heard all day. I can just imagine the child coming at you with that stick and marshmallow!!!! Good times, good times.