At Wednesday, January 18, 2006 10:14:00 AM, pack of 2
I read you Norm because you fucking make me laugh out loud everyday and you're very real. I know what you mean about the stat counter. I was looking at ours yesterday and someone had spent 12 hours reading....who could that be? Then I try to track the area they're from to figure out if it's someone that I know. Who knows? Maybe Jennifer Aniston is stalking us on our blog? Yeah....I WISH. As long as my relatives don't find me I guess I don't really care.;)
At Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:56:00 PM, Cacti to Cornfields
norm! i "found" you on random blog-a-rama that one time ago and have been reading ever since. i read because your blog is fantastic and i love your writing style (plus i love the ghostie tales.) if you're not already writing for SNL... you SHOULD! sometimes i go back to your older entries to re-read because i need the laughs (hey, i live in a smallish crappy town now that SUCKS and i need some entertainment!) thanks for the sanity checks, too!
At Wednesday, January 18, 2006 8:41:00 PM, Norman
Greg - I would think it was the portal thing, cause occasionally - I catch myself doing that very same thing, but this person is actually clicking on my archive and going through the old entries one by one, then the next day they do it all over again. (I can see it on the detail report, cause I magnify the user) Same with the home page idea, although - yes, that WOULD make me feel special!!
Rebecca - no .. no it's not a refresh thing - they keep clicking on the different posts...
Michael - my husband will tell ANYONE that there's LOTS about me NOT to love... he's a nerd. But no - it's not a refresh thing..
Rebecca (again!!) - every single freaking time that Greggie-poo posts on here, some chick flips out. I swear he's got more women in love with him than Ashton Kutcher. He IS a hottie though... ain't he?
Momyblogr... TRICK OR TREAT!!
Pack of 2(Angie) - did I tell you I'm Jennifer Aniston in disguise?? I just pop on my ugly Norman face to trick ya'll....
Anonymous Angie - HI!! Thanks for compliments! I promise I wasn't griping about people reading - I'm just curious as to the person who is reading over & over... (btw - today they've entered my archives 43 times)
cacti to cornfields... you know - I always send material to SNL and they just keep telling me to back off and then they send me restraining orders..
Freak Magnet - it's not ME!! IT'S NOT!! LOL
At Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:00:00 AM, Stormieweather
I forget how I found your blog, somehow on Blogger I'm sure. I'm not familiar with any of the stat and RSS stuff. So can you tell by our IP address where we live and who we are? I don't want to be lurked at! :) Maybe it's some sort of SPAM thing - I get SPAM e-mail for anything slightly matching my e-mail name. I have looked at past ghost post though.
At Thursday, January 19, 2006 7:09:00 PM,
An rss feed is a way to get consolidated postings of a blog or a news site (or well just any kind of site i guess can have them)(my definition-not offical- so I may be wrong in my description). You can be alerted for any changes to pages. It loads up seperately in a generically formatted page in your browser (looks the same for all sites). It keeps me from spending too much time reloading everyones pages to see if they have an updated posting, but it is kind of distracting because I feel compelled to check whoevers blog (or whatever news site) when new stories are posted. Some people have it turned on and some don't who belong to the same blog service so I guess it is some kind of setting that can be turned on or off.
At Thursday, January 19, 2006 7:18:00 PM,
Official description- RSS is a format for syndicating news and the content of news-like sites, including major news sites like Wired, news-oriented community sites like Slashdot, and personal weblogs. But it's not just for news. Pretty much anything that can be broken down into discrete items can be syndicated via RSS: the "recent changes" page of a wiki, a changelog of CVS checkins, even the revision history of a book. RSS-aware programs called news aggregators are popular in the weblogging community. Many weblogs make content available in RSS. A news aggregator can help you keep up with all your favorite weblogs by checking their RSS feeds and displaying new items from each of them.
- o'reilly
RSS is a family of XML dialects for Web syndication used by (among other things) news websites and weblogs.
The technology of RSS allows Internet users to subscribe to websites that have provided RSS feeds; these are typically sites that change or add content regularly.
The web browser I use has a news agggregator built-in.
Perhaps they use your blog as a portal to link to the other blogs. Maybe, your even their home page. How special would that make you feel?