At Sunday, May 14, 2006 1:51:00 PM, Bunny
I work in a cube farm and an older lady was walking about 5 feet in front of me. I see her stop and rip a big one. I couldn't believe it! The bad thing is I had to keep walking without letting on that I heard it and I had to walk right through it! The funniest thing is when she noticed I was behind her she wafted her had behind that was going to help. I got back to my desk and couldn't stop laughing.
Happy Mothers Day!
At Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:28:00 PM, Ace
To expand on Linda and Denny's thought, and paraphrase a quote: Once is an accident, twice is an insult, third time is enemy action!
I was once interviewing this nice elderly gentleman (I'm a journalist, but this was in college) and as I was leaving, we're chatting on his porch and he just lets rip what remains to this day the longest fart I have ever heard. I mean it was a motorboat job that went on and on and on. And he kept on talking like nothing happened, and there I stand, 20 years old, just trying not to break into a grin, much less fall down laughing (I'm 31 now and cracking up at your post, if that's a clue to my general mind set). Heck, I wanted to shake his hand when he was done. So I feel your pain.
I would have said, "Wow. THAT was rude." Then again, maybe he couldn't help it. I've had that happen, too. Some of them suckers just come barrelling out, no matter how tight you clench.