At Tuesday, October 17, 2006 5:59:00 PM,
Apply it directly to your forehead
Apply it directly to your forehead
Apply it directly to your forehead
Apply it directly to your forehead
I hate that commercial but I'm interested to know how it works.
By the way, you haven't said anything more about your move to San Antonio. Did it go through?
Sorry about your bladder infection. I've had them before but not so I'm pissing blood. Hope you feel better soon.
At Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:39:00 PM, Wide Lawns
Norman, please don't get Head On's sister Activ-on. Its instruction is to APPLY DIRECTLY WHERE IT HURTS!
They did not mean your coochie.
I had this chronically and got these cranberry extract capsules at Whole Foods that were like 96 glasses of juice in one pill and it worked!! Never had burning, bloody pee pee again. Ocean Spray wont work. Its all corn syrup, dye and water.
Feel better firecrotch!
At Tuesday, October 17, 2006 8:57:00 PM, Norman
Stacie - ewwwww!!! Well - I prolly peed my pants a couple times today. I don't know if I did or not. This type of infection SUCKS!
Sandra - HEHEEE!! You know - I think it worked. Kinda weird, huh? And - my husband just now accepted the job (tonight!) so the guy that's doing the hiring said he'd draft up a formal offer and send it to us in a couple weeks. Time to move!
Wide Lawns - FIRECROTCH?? FIRECROTCH!!?? That's what some people call Lindsay Lohan (or HOhan - whichever fits better)!! And don't worry... I won't apply it directly where it hurts, directly where it hurts, directly where it hurts. GOD! I hate those commercials!!
Hot Biscuit - Oh sure. Egg her on...THANKS. LOL
At Wednesday, October 18, 2006 2:43:00 PM, Spicy Cracker
Karma kicking you in the ass... weren't you just telling me on that long ass conversation we had last week you needed to drink more water? Tsk... Tsk... Really I'm sorry you are in pain, if you can stand it I drink water with a little lemon to help clean me out...Good luck.... Mrs. Firecro... er Norm! :)
OMG!! I am now peeing in my pants! I HATE those commercials. I literally fell over laughing and laid on the floor for a full minute after I read this post!
And to think, I was going to give you sympathy for the bladder infection! Instead, you made me pee my pants!!
Seriously, I hope you are feeling better. Try to get some rest. That will help a bit.